FDIS Today!
Quick Service Restaurants (QSR's)
Credit card usage at quick service restaurants (QSRs) is growing at an astonishing rate. To capitalize on this lucrative trend, FDIS offers a specially designed Quick Service Restaurant Program with the diverse needs of the QSR merchant in mind. Our efficient, quick-payment solution dramatically improves the speed and profitability of low-ticket, swipe-and-go transactions by allowing merchants to offer a variety of payment options to help satisfy customer needs, attract new customers and increase market share.

Simple and Robust
The QSR Program presents a very simple yet robust retail application with a variety of communication and processing options for both large and small-scale QSRs. Our team of experts has designed flexible solutions that address transaction speed, ticket size, customer service and future technological advancements.
With our QSR Program you receive:
- Streamlined credit and debit processing with online access to real-time transaction data available through
- A customer-generating gift card program
- Greater customer loyalty
Improve Transaction Speed
When it comes to transaction time, every second counts. By capitalizing on available point-of-sale (POS) solutions that use Internet protocol (IP) and Contactless technology, merchants can cut card transaction times down by approximately three to four seconds, essentially making electronic card transactions much faster than cash. The MasterCard® Convenience and Visa® Small Ticket programs offer the following features to help you save even more time for transactions under $15:
- A customer receipt is required only if requested by the cardholder
- The cardholder’s signature is not required
Generate Greater Revenue
Generating greater revenue is the name of the game, and that’s where our QSR Program can help you succeed. Studies have shown that card acceptance at QSR locations can attract new customers and improve traffic. According to a First Data survey, 63 percent of respondents would visit a QSR that accepts cards more often than those that accept cash only.* Additionally, payment cards have a positive impact on the average transaction size as consumers are not as price conscious when using cards at a QSR location.
* First Data survey, 2002
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