obtain personal information
that is needed to provide
you with our goods and
services. When
CMDS Inc. collects
information directly from
you, we obtain this personal
information in order to
provide you with our goods
or services, to provide
customer service and to
fulfill any legal or
regulatory requirements. We
also obtain personal
information as a result of
consumers' financial
transactions with CMDS Inc
or with CMDS Incmerchants.
When we obtain information
about consumers and
merchants from third
parties, we use sources that
we believe are reputable,
including public
only personal information we
collect is information you
provide us. This
information may include, for
example, your name, mailing
address, e-mail address and
telephone number. If you
supply us with personal data
and request information from
us, we will contact you to
provide you with the
information you requested.
We may also contact you to
follow up on your job
opportunity inquiries, or we
may send you other
information about CMDS Inc
and its products or services
that we believe you would
find interesting or helpful.
are committed to protecting
the confidentiality of your
personal information.
policies limit access
to the personal information
we collect to those
employees and business
relationships who need the
information to fulfill their
business responsibilities.
We require our employees to
adhere to CMDS Inc Privacy
Policy. Employees who
violate the Privacy Policy
are subject to disciplinary
action, up to and including
When CMDS Inc collects
personal information about
you, we handle this
information in accordance
with the terms and
conditions in our applicable
merchant agreement. When
CMDS Inc International
engages vendors and other
outside contractors, they
are subject to our
contractual requirements.
For purposes of credit
reporting, verification and
risk management, we may
share information about you
with third parties. We also
will disclose information in
response to a request issued
by a court, government
agency or regulatory
will inform you about the
general uses of the
information we collect about
you. When we have
a direct customer
relationship with you, we
will strive to make
information available to you
about the general uses of
the information we collect.
This information is made
available at the point of
sale, through privacy
notices on our Web sites, in
other formats that are
publicly available or
through other means
specified by applicable
state and federal laws. In
addition, when CMDS Inc
obtains personal information
about consumers indirectly
through our merchants, we
require our merchants to
provide these consumers with
their own timely and
complete privacy notice.
strive to give you choices
about how your information
will be used.
When we obtain personal
information as part of our
direct relationship with
you, we will not share this
information with
nonaffiliated third parties,
except in the following
circumstances: In accordance
with the Privacy Policy
To facilitate and
merchant-initiated or
authorized transactions
To comply with federal,
state and local laws,
including credit
reporting laws and card
association rules
To combat fraud
To offer products and
services that CMDS Incl
believes may be of
interest to you.
Since your needs may
change, continuously
develops new products and
services, we may contact you
to determine if we can
provide you with additional
services. Most of our
customers appreciate hearing
about our new products and
services and prefer that we
continue to contact them. If
you would prefer not to be
contacted we will make
information available to you
about how you may request to
have your name removed from
any owned marketing lists.
You may also opt out of
information sharing by
providing CMDS Inc.
Click here to process
your request.
maintain procedures to
assure the quality of
information we collect and,
in some instances, we inform
you how you can access your
information and make
corrections, if necessary.
CMDS Inc employs
appropriate measures to
assure the quality of
information that we collect
directly from you. In some
instances, where CMDS Inc.
collects information
directly from you, CMDS Inc
informs you how to correct
any erroneous or out-of-date
information stored in our
database. These requirements
and procedures may vary by
each CMDS Incbusiness
activity. As you visit our
various Web pages , please
be sure to review the
privacy policies applicable
to those sites. We abide by
applicable laws related to
such information.
use appropriate security
CMDS Inc, security is
important. CMDS Incemploys
appropriate measures,
including advanced
technology, to protect
personal information
collected against
unauthorized access,
disclosure, alteration or
destruction. These measures
may include, among others,
encryption, physical access
security and other
appropriate technologies.
CMDS Inccontinually reviews
and enhances its security
systems, as necessary.
sites may be linked to other
Web sites.CMDS
Inc may create links to
third-party Web sites. CMDS
Incis not responsible for
the content or privacy
practices employed by
third-party Web sites that
are linked to our Web site.
Neither does CMDS Inc
control or warrant the
utility, merchantability or
workmanship of the products
or services offered at
third-party Web sites.
strive to maintain our
privacy standards.CMDS
Inc strives to meet our
privacy program standards.
In doing so, we do the
Employee privacy
training and employee
compliance related to
the Privacy Policy
Periodic assessments of
compliance with this
Privacy Policy
Periodic management
review to ensure that
CMDS Inc actively
participates in
appropriate privacy
activities, including
How the
CMDS IncPrivacy
Policy applies to you.
The examples contained in
this Privacy Policy are
illustrations only, and they
are not intended to be
all-inclusive. If you decide
to close your merchant
account or become an
inactive customer, or if we
close or suspend your
account, our Privacy Policy,
as it may exist from time to
time, will continue to
apply. We may amend this
Privacy Policy at any time,
and we will inform you of
changes as required by law.
You may have other privacy
protections under state
laws, and we will comply
with applicable state laws
when we disclose information
about you. This Privacy
Policy applies to all
accounts you may have with
us, and it replaces all our
previous disclosures to you
about our information
practices. |